Soft and dreamy white and green seasonal blooms delicately arranged by our florists to create a whimsical sheath style bouquet.
The bouquet pictured is our $105 'for a special occasion' size.
Iris and Elle bouquets are beautifully wrapped in pink pearl wrap topped off with pink chiffon ribbon to make them extra special to receive. To ensure your blooms arrive as fresh as possible we top the bottom wrap up with a little bit of water so we suggest opening your bouquet over a sink or bin. These details are included in a flower care instructions card attached to the bouquet.
Please note:
11am cut off for same-day delivery
Iris and Elle blooms are purchased market-fresh every day to ensure you receieve the longest life possible; however, it is important to keep in mind flowers have a limited lifespan
Flower availability is seasonal - if a type of flower pictured is unavailable our florists will select the best alternative. If your selection is unavailable and our florists don't have a suitable alternative we will reach out to discuss an alternative style to suit your occasion.
We hope you love your flowers.
Iris & Elle x